Shop Dot Foods
Leave the Dot Expressway in the past and get ready for our new website.
The Expressway was one of the first ecommerce websites for the food industry, but we know that we can give you more. Over the past several years, we compiled various teams and areas of expertise to develop a new website. The site will include core Expressway functions plus new features to give you a smarter, easier way to get your job done.
This website exists to serve you—and you will be at the center of this entire journey. We will continue to add features and improvements based on your feedback.
Keep reading to learn what we have in store for you. All Dot Foods Canada and U.S. distributors, national account operators, and suppliers currently have access to join our website. Buying groups will receive access in early December. Brokers and international customers will receive access at a later date.
How Our Site Will Help You
What About the Dot Expressway?
The Expressway is unavailable to U.S. and Canada distributors, national account operators, and suppliers. Buying groups will lose access soon. Please be aware that your Expressway login will NOT work on the new site.
Join today for the most efficient way to manage your processes and relationship with Dot.