When it comes to dining out, taste is no longer the biggest priority for consumers. Feeling safe is now at the forefront of their minds.
Health and sanitation during a pandemic is about more than soap and face masks; it’s also about communication. With the right signage, restaurants can convey their commitment to health and safety, giving diners the security to walk through their doors and enjoy their meals. Plus, signage gives consumers and staff instructions on how to uphold hygiene and social distancing.
From the front door to the back of the house, restaurants should make the following considerations when creating and putting up COVID-19 signage.
Most importantly, signs should help restaurants adhere to state regulations and uphold safety. For example, floor tape can show where customers should line up to stay six feet apart. Find state-by-state return-to-work guidelines here.
Signage in the back of the house should cover hygiene and social distancing protocols for employees as well as instructions for wearing masks and gloves.
Help diners navigate eating out during the pandemic. Use signs to instruct them to keep their distance, cover coughs and sneezes, wear masks, apply hand sanitizer, and wash their hands. These signs should be located in all dining areas—both indoor and outdoor—as well as other relevant spots.
Front window signage should clearly lay out expectations for consumers, such as reservation requirements and new social distancing and sanitation practices. They should be prominently displayed at the front of the restaurant, and the same messaging should be included on their website and social media.
Front window and back-of-the-house signage should list COVID-19 symptoms and instruct diners and employees to stay home if they display any of them or have been diagnosed with the virus. Signs for employees should also explain how they will be screened prior to their shifts.
Many restaurants have shut down self-service areas or closed some of their dining rooms. Signs and tape can mark off areas that are closed or inoperable for the time being.
In addition to promoting health and safety, restaurants should get diners excited to return with sidewalk signs or banners that announce their reopening.
Some restaurants may want to consider multilingual signage to make their message accessible across a diverse customer base.
Let’s face it—most safety signs look the same. By adding their branding and personalizing their messaging, restaurants can inform their consumers while adding to their dining experience.
Your Sourcing Solution
Each restaurant is taking a different approach to the coronavirus pandemic. Strong communication is essential for ensuring consumers know what to expect and how to stay healthy when they step into eating establishments.
Dot Foods has the signage that operators need to help them communicate their message as they reopen. We also have hand sanitizer, tamper-evident stickers, and other products to make restaurants safe.
Looking for restaurant supplies? Find products to promote safety.